For the past two months the fifth grade has been using design thinking to enhance the MCDS with Kiva. We had one class every week to learn about design thinking and how to apply it to our project. We interviewed different faculty and staff about how to enhance the MCDS experience. Most faculty and staff either loaned once and hadn’t visited the site since, or only heard about Kiva at a meeting. We also learned that there was a lot of money that had been repaid in our Kiva accounts and we had not re-loaned. Every group of two or three people had to come up with a pitch for their enhancement ideas. We presented all of our pitches as a fifth grade. Some ideas were to make a Kiva workshop at school where parents can loan and share Kiva with their friends and colleagues. Another idea was to make a Kiva gift card for the graduating 8th graders from their Kiva funds so that they can keep loaning after they graduate. All of our ideas will be taken into consideration by the teachers and they will choose which ones will be pursued.
Posted By Henry S
Nice work Henry!