Friday, March 30, 2012


Children’s Bill of Rights

The Children’s Bill of Rights focuses on the rights of children. It is like the U.S. Bill of Rights, except it has really different rules. In 1989, the United Nations decided that children should have a Children’s Bill of Rights.  Our class made our own Bill of Rights. We added stuff like:

·       no child abuse
·       all children should have freedom of speech
·       children should be treated equally
·       all children should have the right of medical attention
·       no children can be taken away from their parents at birth
·       children should have shelter
·       children should have clean water, and food
·       children’s opinions should be listened to

Then we saw the real Children’s Bill of Rights and compared it to ours. We did pretty well. We got about half of the ones that we wrote down right! Here is the link to the real Children’s Bill of Rights:

By Caroline M.


  1. I was fascinated to learn that as of November 2009, 194 countries have ratified the United Nations' Children's Bill of Rights, including every member of the United Nations except Somalia, South Sudan and the United States of America.

    Why do you think the United States didn't sign it?

  2. Great post Caroline! The children's Bill Of Rights is very important.
